Month: January 2023

Meet Our New Collections Manager

We are thrilled to welcome Leone Cahill-Krout as AARCH Society’s first Collections Manager. In this part-time, grant-funded role, Leone is establishing policies for archive management and organizing and curating items from the AARCH Society archive, including those that will be used in the Frederick African American Heritage Center. Leone, who graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in museum studies and managethree smiling african american teenage girls stand in AARCH archives office with adult female collections manager Leone Kroutment, joins us from her most recent position with Old Swedes Historic Site in Wilmington, Del. “As Executive Director of Old Swedes, I had the opportunity to reexamine and apply conservation and curatorial principles to their museum collection dating to the early 17th century. It was the highlight of my tenure,” Leone says. “I look forward to working with the Collections Committee and being part of AARCH Society’s next chapter and much-anticipated opening of the new Heritage Center.” On a recent Saturday in January, Leone was able to share her experience with an excited group of high school students who got first-hand experience in museum preservation through our partnership with Frederick County Public Schools. The students are volunteering with our Collections Committee, learning basics of how to organize and preserve archival documents.

Top photo: Leone Cahill-Krout, center, is pictured at AARCH Society’s Federated Charities office with left, Scott Keefer, Collections volunteer, and Seaven Gordon, AARCH Society Vice President. Bottom photo: Jordin White and Ocoee-Rose McCaskill from Oakdale High School and Leila Gibril, Linganore High School, and Leone.

New Grants for AARCH Society

AARCH Society is honored to announce the following new grants that have been received by our organization for 2023.

  • In December, the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority Financing Fund awarded a $35,000 grant. Frederick County will partner with AARCH Society to create an African American Historic Context Study of Frederick County. This work will expand on the completed Phase I, which involved a context statement and survey of Black resources in northern Frederick County. The proposed project will focus on identifying and researching historic and cultural themes to create a more comprehensive picture of the African American experience in Frederick County.
  • Also in December, Ausherman Family Foundation awarded AARCH Society $3,000 for the production of a documentary of Greenmount Cemetery, an African American cemetery that was located at the current site of Frederick Health.
  • In November, Maryland Humanities awarded AARCH Society a $10,000 SHINE grant for our work spotlighting the culture and history of Frederick County African Americans.
  • Also in November, FirstEnergy Foundation awarded AARCH Society $3,000 to support programming.
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