Don't miss this Maryland Ensemble Theatre, AARCH Society, and C. Burr Artz Library collaborative production of "South & Saints," directed by Ray Hatch. Running from May 12 to June 4, this show is explores the rich and valuable history of the African American community in Frederick. See shows, times, and purchase tickets in the website...
Join Catoctin Furnace Historical Society and the Smithsonian for the world premiere of Smithsonian Channel's "America's Hidden Stories: Forged In Slavery." Who were the enslaved ironworkers of Catoctin Furnace? What happened to their community? Come see this startling new picture of slavery and the role that skilled African Americans played in America’s Industrial Revolution. Movie...
Come out and help Frederick celebrate its 275th Jubilee at Utica Park. Look for the AARCH Society table and stop by for a chat, learn about local African American history and pioneers, and get insight into our Mission to open Frederick's first African American Heritage Center. Enjoy live music, food, games, and much more! Get...
Enslaved Lives at the Ross House Slave Quarters 1815-1845 Join AARCH Society and Gabrielle McCoy, Ph.D. student, to hear her research on the Ross House slave quarters located on W. 2nd St. in Frederick. Gabrielle will share some groundbreaking findings from her research, including the names and stories of some of the enslaved people who...
Join AARCH Society and presenter Carolann Wright to learn about the Lincoln Tailoring Association (Sewing Factory) housed at the Pythian Castle on W. All Saints Street from 1945 until the late 1950s. Hear memories from African American women who entered the workforce in segregated Frederick, MD, and discover how they bonded and supported the community....
Explore the history of the southern section of Frederick City from the African-American Perspective! Join us for our 60-90 minute unique walking tour as AARCH tour guides take you on an informative exploration of local history on All Saints Street and the surrounding area. Visit Walking Tours under Programs and Events to register.
Join AARCH Society's Barbara Thompson at Thurmont Library for our "Remembering Our Bygone Days” Lincoln School documentary featuring former students recalling their experiences at Frederick’s only secondary school for African Americans until integration.