Author: Cathy Canning

New Grants for AARCH Society

AARCH Society is honored to announce the following new grants that have been received by our organization for 2023.

  • In December, the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority Financing Fund awarded a $35,000 grant. Frederick County will partner with AARCH Society to create an African American Historic Context Study of Frederick County. This work will expand on the completed Phase I, which involved a context statement and survey of Black resources in northern Frederick County. The proposed project will focus on identifying and researching historic and cultural themes to create a more comprehensive picture of the African American experience in Frederick County.
  • Also in December, Ausherman Family Foundation awarded AARCH Society $3,000 for the production of a documentary of Greenmount Cemetery, an African American cemetery that was located at the current site of Frederick Health.
  • In November, Maryland Humanities awarded AARCH Society a $10,000 SHINE grant for our work spotlighting the culture and history of Frederick County African Americans.
  • Also in November, FirstEnergy Foundation awarded AARCH Society $3,000 to support programming.

Amaze Design Selected for Heritage Center

AARCH Society is excited to announce another step forward in the Heritage Center Vision: after reviewing several proposals for exhibit planning and design, the Society’s evaluation team recommended the selection of Amaze Design of Boston, Mass. In July, the AARCH Society Board voted to affirm.

“The Amaze Design team has a proven track record of producing extraordinary presentations that will serve us well,” says AARCH Society President Protean Gibril.  “Their organization includes a talented team, and their proposal provided examples that we feel will create an exciting experience to provoke and “wow” Heritage Center visitors.”

Amaze Design has experience designing for a wide range of audiences nationally and internationally, with a client list that includes the National Park Service’s African Burial Ground in New York City, the August Wilson African American Culture Center in Pittsburgh, the Smithsonian National Museum of African American Culture, the Tubman Museum in Macon, Ga., and the National Children’s Museum in Washington, D.C.

On August 18, Amaze Design’s Scott Rabiet will be in Frederick to see the Heritage Center site and tour the downtown area and Frederick Visitor Center with members of the AARCH Society Board.

The dream of establishing a permanent home for the African American Resources Cultural and Heritage Society (AARCH) is nearing fruition, with the goal of opening The AARCH Society Heritage Center in 2023.

Two decades in the making, it fulfills former Alderman William O. Lee’s vision. The new Heritage Center will be a vibrant place to tell the important and under-represented story of Frederick’s African American community.

The City of Frederick provided a lease for a 3,200-square-foot facility on the corner of Carroll and All Saint’s Streets. Ideally situated near the Frederick Visitor Center, the Delaplaine Arts Center, and the Sky Stage, the AARCH Society Heritage Center adds another prominent destination for heritage tourism.

The Heritage Center will include permanent exhibit space, a multi-purpose area suitable for theater/meeting space, and research and archival facilities. It will showcase local artifacts and feature first-hand accounts of Frederick’s living treasures, local African American residents 90 years old or older.

$50,000 State Grant & Community Support

In July, AARCH Society received a $50,000 grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, which will help support exhibit design for the planned African American Heritage Center. The grants are for heritage tourism projects and activities in the state.

“Our administration is proud that this funding will allow for 107 projects to move forward and congratulate Maryland’s Heritage Areas and their tourism partners for their support in changing Maryland for the better,” said Maryland Governor Larry Hogan.

AARCH Society is also extremely grateful for the ongoing support of the Frederick community, which continues to embrace our Mission and our goal to open the Frederick African American Heritage Center in 2023.

In June, the Community Service Fund of Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ awarded a $1,000 unrestricted grant to AARCH Society through the Community Foundation of Frederick County. That same month, The Isaiah Charles Brown Memorial Fund donated $500 in unrestricted funds to AARCH Society through the Community Foundation of Frederick County. This gift, made at the recommendation of Dr. Denise Rollins, as well as the Evangelical Reformed Church gift, will be utilized for operating and program costs at AARCH Society.

In July, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick (UUCF) chose AARCH Society as the recipient of its split-AARCH Society members stand with members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Frederick.plate program, which donates half of a service’s collections to a local non-profit organization. AARCH Society President Protean Gibril presented to UUCF members earlier in the month. “We look forward to strengthening congregational support for the AARCH Society’s mission and working toward a community with justice for all,” said UCC member Carol Antoniewicz.

AARCH Society is grateful for this community support and partnership and has a special note of thanks for UUCF member Joe Ginorio, who composed a song in honor of AARCH Society: Listen to “Freedom Rings” here.

Juneteenth 2022: Message from Our President

As we celebrate the second national observance of the Juneteenth holiday, America’s second Independence Day, we celebrate in spirit with the 250,000 plus formally enslaved African-Americans in Galveston, Tex., when their freedom was declared in the Emancipation Proclamation on June 19,1865.

The legacy of Juneteenth is the history and the story of the strength and resiliency of Black Americans who refused to give up during the most painful period in American history when they were torn from their lives in Africa to endure centuries of enslavement in the Americas.

Remembering, preserving, and celebrating these stories of resiliency is what makes the mission of the African American Resources and Cultural Heritage (AARCH) Society so pertinent and relevant today. We recognize that June 19th, 1865 marked the beginning of a journey that promised to lead to freedom, equality, and justice for formerly enslaved Americans. We know that the journey continues. Though progress has been made, 157 years later, we still have much work ahead to realize the full promise of emancipation and equality.

As the Society moves closer to opening its African American Heritage Center in 2023, where the often-omitted stories of African Americans in Frederick County, Md., will be recognized, presented, and celebrated, we take the banner from the ancestors whose day of emancipation we celebrate on Juneteenth.

We thank the community for its support as we make progress toward realizing the vision of William O. Lee Jr. and David V. Key, are now among the ancestors. We are grateful for a Board of Directors, funders, volunteers, and members who believe in and support our mission and the vision for the future. We encourage everyone to learn about the history of Juneteenth and to find ways not just to celebrate emancipation day but to continue to find ways to effect positive change in their communities and in the world.

Protean Gibril, President
AARCH Society Board of Directors

Human Relations Commission Honors AARCH Society

On May 26, AARCH Society was honored to receive the 2022 Lord D. Nickens Community Service Award from the Human Relations Commission of Frederick County and thrilled that AARCH Society Board Member Rose Dorsey Chaney earned the Theodore W. Stephens Lifetime Achievement Award.

Ms. Chaney is a founding member of AARCH Society and a driving force in our growth and ongoing success. In 2021 Ms. Chaney was named a Wertheimer Fellow for Excellence in Volunteerism by the Community Foundation of Frederick County.

Michael Hughes, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer for Frederick County, presented the keynote address at the ceremony, which was held virtually.

The Lord D. Nickens Community Service Award is given to an individual or organization (school, business, non-profit agency, etc.) in Frederick County that has shown a strong commitment and compiled a solid record of achievement in promoting justice, tolerance, affirmative action, cultural diversity, and inclusion in the community at large.

AARCH Society was noted for our planned establishment of Frederick’s African American Heritage Center on the corner of All Saints and Carroll streets in 2023 and “… its programs, services, and activities, its research, archival and cultural materials, objects and collections and … support of a dedicated and hard-working corps of volunteers … shar[ing] the stories about the history, the contributions and extraordinary resiliency of African Americans in Frederick County despite the challenges they faced during slavery, the Jim Crow era and beyond.”

The Theodore W. Stephens Lifetime Achievement Award is given to an individual with at least 10 years of active involvement in community services in Frederick County and a record of outstanding contributions over the course of time.

At the award ceremony, Ms. Chaney was lifted up for her longstanding and wide-ranging dedication to community service. “For several years, she has spearheaded the task of creating and emailing a weekly African American Community Calendar that promotes local events. You can also find her periodically emailing job postings and other announcements that she’s gathered from various sources. The list of contributions reaches far and wide and ranges in varying degrees,” the Human Relations Commission noted in their introduction.

AARCH Society congratulates Miss Rose for this well-deserved recognition and expresses our deep appreciation to the Human Relations Commission for the awards acknowledging the work being done by AARCH Society and our members on behalf of Frederick County.


Smithsonian Reveals Details of Those Enslaved at Catoctin Furnace

AARCH Society was honored to receive a personal, behind-the-scenes tour at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in May to learn about their forensic anthropology research findings on the remains of several enslaved workers from the Catoctin Iron Furnace.

The remains of a woman in her 30s, her infant child, and a teenage boy were uncovered during the 1979 Route 15 expansion. Excavation for the highway revealed a cemetery designated for enslaved workers of the iron works. Thirty-five graves, located within the highway construction right of way, were excavated.

“There are so many important stories to be told about the contributions and ongoing legacy of the African Americans who worked at the furnace and their descendants,” said Protean Gibril, President of AARCH Society. “This was a fascinating yet emotional experience for us. It’s important to understand this history, but sad to see the evidence of the hardships so many people faced daily and the toll it took.”

Smithsonian forensic anthropologists Doug Owsley and Kari Bruwelheide began the tour with a brief explanation of forensic anthropology and the details that can be culled from skeletal remains about a person’s lifestyle, environment, physical condition and hardships, and diet. The team has looked at more than 15,000 skeletons from historical sites across the nation.

With the technological advancements of 3D modeling, the Smithsonian has been able to reconstruct physical likenesses of some of the remains in their collection, including a young woman who lived in colonial Jamestown and two individuals found at Catoctin Furnace: a 30- to 35-year-old mother and a teenager.

The Catoctin Furnace Historical Society began a reanalysis of the enslaved workers’ remains in 2013. From the bones, Owsley and Bruwelheide could see spinal deformation from carrying extremely heavy loads and high levels of zinc in the bones of one worker. Zinc, released during iron production, can cause anemia when inhaled in high doses. They also noted craniosynostosis, a fusing of plates in the skull which can be heredity or possibly caused by high exposure to smoke. This condition can damage the brain when it occurs early in a child’s development.

“The bones of Catoctin men and women show – almost literally – the effects of back-breaking labor. One elderly man’s spine was so damaged by a lifetime of hard work that he was unable to stand up straight,” said Bruwelheide.

Elizabeth Comer, President of the Catoctin Furnace Historical Society, has collaborated with the Smithsonian on this project and attended the May tour. “Against their will, the enslaved artisans of Catoctin Furnace produced vast wealth and prosperity for the owners, one of whom, Thomas Johnson, became the first governor of Maryland, in 1777, and a representative to the Maryland convention that ratified the federal constitution in 1788,” Comer said. “Even as he was endeavoring for freedom from Great Britain, he was the owner of the largest number of enslaved persons in Frederick County.”

The Smithsonian team has been able to extract ADNA from the remains of 29 individuals, which, if added to ancestry databases, may enable descendants to trace their history back to Maryland’s colonial days.

It is one of many ironies inherent in our nation’s past that enslaved workers at the Catoctin Furnace provided iron used to make cannonballs during the colonies’ War for Independence against Great Britain. Watch a National Park Service video on the history of African Americans at the Catoctin Iron Furnace.

Ausherman Family Foundation Awards $25,000

AARCH Society is pleased to announce that we have received a $25,000 grant from the Ausherman Family Foundation. The funds will be used in support of operations as we continue our work in the community and our goal to open The African American Resources and Cultural Heritage Center in downtown Frederick in 2023.

“The Ausherman Family Foundation has believed in AARCH Society from the beginning,” says Protean Gibril, AARCH President. “They are tremendous advocates of our Mission to preserve, share, and celebrate the history of African Americans in Frederick County both on an organizational level and an individual level through their trustees and staff.”

“Ausherman Family Foundation is proud to support AARCH Society in keeping with our Vision to make Frederick County a thriving community of vibrant spaces and places,” says Leigh Adams, Executive Director of the Foundation. “AARCH Society is ensuring that important voices and stories are added to the record of Frederick’s history and heard by future generations.”

AARCH Society serves community members and visitors of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in learning and sharing stories about local African American history and heritage through African American History Walking Tours of Frederick, AARCH Reads, Cemetery Preservation and Restoration, Living Treasures, educational programs, and more.

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